Windows Azure: Yammer API

Windows Azure: Yammer API

This article assumes that you are signed up for Windows Azure. If not, please sign up at
NB: Microsoft may need to enter a credit card number, but we don't need you to do anything which costs money, so you won't be charged.

Step 1: - Azure Active Directory (AAD) setup

A) App Registration

  1. Go to and click the Azure Active Directory icon
  2. Open App registrations and select + New registration
  3. To register the application, complete the following fields and click [Register]
    1. Name e.g. Yammer API app
    2. Supported account types - Select the Single tenant option
      If you are using an account in another organization to authorize your app, please select the relevant Multitenant option).
When the app has been registered, take note of the Application ID and Tenant ID values before proceeding to step 1B.

B) API Permissions

  1. Open API Permissions
  2. Click + Add a permission
  3. Select the Yammer option 

  4. In the Request API Permissions page for Yammer
    1. Select Delegated permissions
    2. Enable the access_as_user and user_impersonation permission checkboxes
    3. Click [Add permissions]
    4. Proceed to step 1C.

C) Certificates & secrets 

  1. Open Certificates & secrets
  2. Click + New client secret and
    1. Enter a description for the new app key
    2. Set Expires to Never
    3. Click [Add]
Once you've added the client secret, take note of the value and proceed to step 2.

Step 2 - Connect your data to your Vibe

  1. Login to your admin console
  2. Open Developer tools > Modules Global Module Settings

  3. In the global modules settings window, select Yammer API

  4. In the Yammer API Global Settings and complete the following:
    1. Authentication Type - Select Azure Active Directory (AAD) 
    2. Client ID - Copy and paste your Yammer Application (Client) ID into this field
    3. Client Secret - Copy and paste your Yammer Application (Client) ID into this field
    4. Tenant ID - Copy and paste your Yammer Directory (tenant) ID into this field
  5. Click [OK] to close and save the settings
  6. Reopen the Yammer API global module settings and complete the following:
    1. Authentications
      1. New Authentication -  Click [Authenticate New User]* and log in to your Office 365 account
      2. Existing Authentications - Remove any existing authentications, click [Authenticate New User]* and log in to your Office 365 account
    2. Once you've successfully logged in to your Office 365 account:
      1. Select one or more Yammer groups to share on Vibe. Hold down the CTRL button to select multiple groups.
        NB: The highlighted groups will be available for selection when new 'Yammer' slides are created in the portal.
*If your browser has a pop-up blocker, please adjust the settings to allow the 'Google sign in' page to load.
  1. The Minutes to refresh API data setting determines how long it takes for Yammer data to be refreshed.
  2. The Number of posts per group setting sets the maximum number of posts that will be shown on Vibe (per selected group).

Step 3: Create/Manage your slide

When steps 1 & 2 are complete, content managers can log in to the portal and connect your Yammer data to one or more slides.

Create a Yammer slide

  1. Login to your portal 
  2. Create a new slide using the Social Media template
  3. Select your Yammer feed
    NB: If you cannot see the Yammer feed you're looking for, please check the global module settings in the admin console
  4. To go live, add your slide to one or more playlists

Design Considerations

  1. Add a default Yammer image for text only posts or Polls

    1. Create new graphics @ 703 w x 244 h (pixels), JPG, 72dpi
      TIP: Refer to the default JPGs attached to this article
    2. Send the new images our support team so they can update your Social Media template
  2. Customise the background image
    1. Confirm the resolution of your Vibe display and create a new image.
      e.g. Common sizes: Landscape (1920 w x 1080 h pixels, JPG, 72dpi) or Portrait (1080 w x 1920 h pixels, JPG, 72dpi)
    2. Login to your portal and edit your Yammer slide
    3. Edit the background image
  3. Tailor the layout of your slide
    1. Choose from one of the 5 default layouts in the slide settings

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