Decluttering Tips

Decluttering Tips

    Replace outdated content

    If you've recently joined the Vibe team in your organisation, one of your first tasks could be refreshing your slides by replacing outdated/old content with new updates.

    In the slide editor, you'll see an option to delete old messages/photos as well as an option to preview what is showing on each Vibe device or at each location.

    Set slide permissions

    If you have several editing groups, you can use the slide editing permissions to declutter the portal view for each group and restrict access to slides to specific groups.

    NB: When new slides are created, they are automatically assigned to any groups that the user belongs to. 

    If the user belongs to a single group, they will not see the 'Editable by' option in the slide editor.

    Refresh your slides/playlists

    As part of your content strategy, make time to clear out or publish slides that are currently unused/expired.

    • Check your playlists and remove slides that are no longer needed
    • In the Slide Manager, use the slide filters to view content that isn't currently published. Then delete or update slides.

    Organise and downsize your images

    With Vibe, it's easy to organise your files and downsize by removing unused images in the Image Manager:

    • Organise your files:
      • Add folders
      • Move images
        (Hint: Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple files)
    • Downsize
      • Remove unused images
        NB: The 'unused' filter is applied to the image folder you are currently viewing.
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