Infotainment - Default Slide Durations

Infotainment - Default Slide Durations

Our entertaining up-to-the-minute content package includes a mixture of dynamic and personally updated slides by our support team.

We preload entertainment slides with the recommended duration.  However, you are welcome to update the slide duration to suit your requirements.
This setting controls how long each slide shows onscreen before the next slide loads.

Here are the recommended duration settings for each ENT slide:

10 seconds (per RSS item)

  • What's On <in your region>

20 seconds

  • Fact of the Day (Did You Know)
  • Quote

30 seconds

  • Bike Trails
  • Exchange Rates
  • Jokes - Christmas
  • Mortgage Rates
  • Our Fav Beaches
  • Snow Report
  • Te Reo Māori

40 seconds

  • Day in History
  • Discover NZ
  • Fishing Slide
  • New Zealand News (Business, Entertainment, Life and Style, Motoring, National +more)
  • Surf Report
  • Traffic Cameras
  • Weather
45 seconds
  1. Global News (United States, Australia, Europe +more)

60 seconds

  • Super Rugby

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