MicroStrategy API

MicroStrategy API

Connect MicroStrategy to Vibe

To connect your raw MicroStrategy report JSON to Vibe, please follow the steps below:
  1. Create an active account for 'Vibe' and allow access to your PROD & DEV pages
  2. Supply the following information to support@vibe.fyi.
    PROD URL - e.g. https://reportlibrary.<domainname>.co.nz/MicroStrategyLibrary/api/library
    DEV URL - e.g. https://reportlibrarydev.<domainname>.co.nz/MicroStrategyLibrary/api/library
    Username:  e.g. Vibe
We will get in touch with you as soon as the supplied information has been used to establish a connection. When 1 & 2 above are completed, please move to step 2 below. 

Create a 'MicroStrategy' slide

  1. Choose the MicroStrategy report(s) you would like to share on Vibe
  2. Select a 'Vibe layout' for each report.
    Choose from:
    1. Our range of standard Vibe Communication slides
    2. Email support@vibe.fyi to discuss your options (including custom design)
  3. Convert your MicroStrategy report JSON to use Vibe template data schema
    NB: The benefit of using template data schema is that you'll have more control over what is displayed onscreen.  If you prefer to retain your current JSON, contact support@vibe.fyi
  4. If the selected dynamic slide is already sharing other MicroStrategy data on your Vibe screens:
    1. Use the supplied Vibe template data schema to convert your report JSON
    2. Send your project and report IDs to support@vibe.fyi
  5. If the dynamic slide is not currently sharing MicroStrategy data on your Vibe screens, get in touch with support@vibe.fyi to request the template data schema for your chosen layout
  6. Then, update your MicroStrategy report to use the supplied template data schema and send the project and report IDs to support@vibe.fyi
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