Screen Sizes

Screen Sizes

  1. Open the start menu and select Settings > Screen Sizes

  2. Select the Screen Sizes tab.

  3. From the Screen Sizes page, you can:
    • Add new screen sizes (to match your on-site digital signage/channel)
    • Edit screen size settings
    • Delete unused screen sizes


Adding or Editing Screen Size

  1. Click + New Screen Size or Edit Screen Size Edit info bar on an existing setting
  2. Use the fields in the panel to create or edit your new screen size


Enter the screen size name. Use an easily identifiable name, e.g. 1920 x 1080 (no info bar).

Slide Width

Set the max slide width in pixels.

Refer to your display monitor or screens.

Slide Height

Set the max slide height in pixels.

Refer to your display monitor or screens.

Show Information Bar

Turn setting on if your digital signage/screens have an info bar.

Info Bar Height

Set the info bar height in pixels.

Info Bar Left Padding

Optional - Set left padding on the info bar (in pixels).

Set left padding on info bar

Info Bar Right Padding

Optional - Set right padding on the info bar (in pixels).

Info Bar Font Size

Set the info bar font size.

Total Screen Height

Non-editable field that calculates the values in the Slide Height and Total Screen Height fields above.


3. Click Save Screen Size



Deleting Screen Sizes

  1. Click Delete Screen Size).
    Delete screen size

  2. Click Yes to confirm deletion
    Confirm deletion

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