Training Gallery (Geometric)

Training Gallery (Geometric)

Slide Inspo

Asset Download

Take advantage of downloading our default assets as a guide to create your own, if you wish to change them.

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      The Image Gallery template is designed to showcase your photos or images in fullscreen mode (with or without captions). Manage content Web Portal Create a slide using the Image Gallery template In the slide editor, select Web Portal in the Content ...
    • Training (Panels)

      Slide Inspo Training Panels ​ Static images are used to give focus to the text. Use square images, other sizes will be centered. (Exact size = 1080x960) Logo area Standard Vibe space of 350 x 100 pixels Border, Highlight and Link colours are all ...
    • Training (Bubbles)

      Slide Inspo ​ Static images are used to give focus to the text. Logo area Standard Vibe space of 350 x 100 pixels Design allows for an unlimited amount of content, and will show one item in chronological order  Suits a focus on written content, as a ...
    • Training (Messages)

      Slide Inspo ​ ​ Template Data Tips Sheet Column Content Required Content Heading Any text YES Content Summary1 Any text YES Content Summary2 Any text. If you want to show multiple messages on the slide, you can separate them with a new line and a ...
    • Training (Carousel)

      Slide Inspo ​ Asset Download Take advantage of downloading our default assets as a guide to create your own, if you wish to change them.