Training (Messages)

Training (Messages)

Slide Inspo

Template Data Tips

Sheet Column Content Required
Content Heading Any text YES
Content Summary1 Any text YES
Content Summary2 Any text.
If you want to show multiple messages on the slide, you can separate them with a new line and a pipe | and a white space, for example:
| This is summary2 message
| This is another summary2 message
Content Quote Any text NO
Content Keywords Write in any keywords that need to be highlighted on screen. Keywords are separated by new lines. e.g.
Content Tip Any text NO
Content Image A background image for the item. The syntax is as below:

If this is a SharePoint spreadsheet
Enter image:filename
e.g. image:logo.png
Note: The image file must be stored in the same SharePoint folder as the CSV file

If this is a Google Sheets
Enter =IMAGE("a_public_image_url")
e.g. =IMAGE("")

If this is a manual speadsheet upload via Portal
Enter image:a_public_image_url
e.g. image:
Content ResourceID Link to a resource in Resource sheet NO
Resource ID Defines a reusable resource that you can assign to multiple Content rows YES
Resource Heading Any text YES
Resource Image Syntax is the same as Content sheet's Image column NO
Resource Image Caption Any text NO

Asset Download

Take advantage of downloading our default assets as a guide to create your own, if you wish to change them.


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