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Digital Signage

Vibe’s Digital Signage Reports provide essential insights into your network of screens, helping you manage licences and installations efficiently. These reports allow you to track key details, ensure seamless device setup.

Accessing Digital Signage Reports

  1. Log in to your admin console
  2. Navigate to Reports via the desktop shortcut or go to Reports > Digital Signage.

Location API Details Report

View, export, or print all licence details, including unique location (licence) authentication codes, usernames, passwords, and last sync information.

Generate a Location API Details Report

  1. The Location API Details Report is automatically generated when the page loads. Use this report to monitor the last synced time for each of your digital channels. You can also find the username and password settings needed for the Digital Signage Windows app..
  2. Choose to VIEWEXPORT, or PRINT the report as needed.

Location webOS IPK URLs Report

Generate a webOS IPK URLs Report

Access a list of digital signage licence webOS IPK URLs used to install and set up LG SoC devices.
  1. On the Reports page, select Location webOS IPK URLs from the SELECT A REPORT dropdown.
  2. Choose to VIEWEXPORT, or PRINT the report as needed.
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