Christmas - Slide Ideas & Asset Pack

Christmas - Slide Ideas & Asset Pack

Make your messages merry and bright

Get ahead of any holiday season! In this article, we've shared some great tips and tricks to make your content sparkle.
  1. 'Celebrations' infotainment slide
    Build holiday hype with our Celebrations infotainment slide. Like our other infotainment content, this slide intersperses your Vibe content with funny festive jokes, facts and more.

  2.  "Countdown" template 
    Creating a countdown to Christmas on our digital signage screens not only adds a touch of festive cheer to our workplace but also serves as a reminder of the upcoming celebrations, helping employees stay engaged and motivated. Some ideas include countdown to your holiday shutdown period, the office party, or even a gift exchange. Find out how »

  3. 'Events" Templates

    There's an easy way to keep all staff in the loop during this busy time of year. Whether you're showing who is out of office, hosting festive events, volunteering sessions or an end-of-year All Hands, update your screens with these Events templates:

    1. Date List

    2. Events (7 Days)

    3. Events (Hero 3)

    4. Events (List) Pictured below

    5. Events (Singles)

    6. Events (Timelines)

    7. Events (Today)

    8. News List

    9. Room Bookings

  4. Spice up your default theme

    Infuse your internal communications with a sense of festivity and joy. Jazz up your default company theme with a new logo, backgrounds/O and seasonal colours mark enthusiasm for the upcoming holidays and serve as a creative way to engage our employees and boost their spirits. 

    Check out this article for assistance with your Theme Branding.

Free Graphic Asset Pack - Attachments below ↓

Sleigh your festive slide design with these free graphic assets. Download the asset pack (Attachment below) to modify or use in your own templates, such as for the Image Gallery, Menus, Backgrounds slides.

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