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Quiz (Single)
Need to create a Single quiz on Introducing the Quiz (Single) slide; it's perfect for testing and refreshing knowledge, introducing new initiatives and more. Create Quiz Manage via web portal Create a new slide using the Quiz (Single) ...
Video (Single)
The Video (Single) template supports MP4 videos in landscape and portrait resolutions. You can upload two versions of the same video and the correct version will show onscreen automatically. PRO TIPS: - A video is not required to make your content ...
Image (Multi)
The Image (Multi) template is designed to showcase your photos or artwork in fullscreen. It includes an optional animated caption that overlays your images in a simple or graphic design. To see a quick demo, watch this video: Create slide Content ...
Slide Design Options (Text | Elements | Themes)
To create engaging and professional-looking slides, you need to know how to use the formatting and design settings in the slide editor. Use this quick reference guide to discover all the ways you can customise your slide design and formatting ...
Training (Panels)
Slide Inspo Training Panels Static images are used to give focus to the text. Use square images, other sizes will be centered. (Exact size = 1080x960) Logo area Standard Vibe space of 350 x 100 pixels Border, Highlight and Link colours are all ...