User Guide: Desktop Player App

User Guide: Desktop Player App

Desktop Player App

PC access

After successfully installing the Desktop Player app, it will automatically run on startup. To open or verify that the app is running, look for the Vibe icon in the hidden icons area on your taskbar.

App Views

Logs, Settings & Update

InfoThe settings listed below are visible to users who have installed the Desktop Player app on a single PC OR set the HIDE_SETTINGS MSI Command to 'No' in the group policy.

Logs & Update only

This recommended view is available when you set the HIDE_SETTINGS MSI Command to 'Yes' in the group policy.
The Vibe Desktop Player app automatically minimises to the hidden taskbar when left unfocused for over a minute.

App Settings

InfoThe settings listed below are visible to users who have installed the Desktop Player app on a single PC OR set the HIDE_SETTINGS MSI Command to 'No' in the group policy.
Site URL
Connects your device to the portal to sync the latest content and settings.
Enter the unique Screensaver URL provided by your Vibe support team.
Sync time
Defines how often (in minutes) the Screensaver, Background Wallpaper, and Lock Screen sync with updated content.
Enter the desired sync interval in minutes. Default = 10 minutes.
Random start
(Screensaver / Desktop background)
Randomly selects the starting slide from the connected playlist. Helps prevent screens from displaying the same first slide.
Recommended: Enable this setting to randomise the starting slide position. Default = Ticked.
Enables the Screensaver.
Check the box to activate the screensaver feature.
(Screensaver) Auth code
Authenticates and activates the screensaver feature.
Enter the unique Screensaver license authentication code generated in the licence manager.
Information bar sync time
Sets the interval (in seconds) for updating the information bar with new content.
Enter the desired sync interval in seconds. Default = 30 seconds.
Desktop background
Enables syncing of desktop wallpaper with content.
Check the box to enable Desktop Wallpaper syncing.
(Desktop background) 
Auth code
Authenticates and enables the Background Wallpaper syncing.
Enter the unique Desktop Background authentication code generated in the licence manager.
(Desktop background)
Image refresh time
Defines how often (in seconds) the desktop wallpaper changes.
Enter the desired interval in seconds. Default = 30 seconds.
Lock Screen
Enables syncing of lock screen images with content.
Check the box to activate the Lock Screen feature.
(Lock Screen)
Auth code
Authenticates and enables the Lock Screen feature.
Enter the unique Lock Screen authentication code generated in the licence manager.

App Logs

To access the app logs, open the app via the hidden icons in your taskbar.
  1. Logs - View player activity and troubleshoot any error logs.
  2. Update (button) - Manually trigger a new sync to download the latest changes from your Vibe portal.
The Vibe Desktop Player app automatically minimises to the hidden taskbar when left unfocused for over a minute.

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