Windows Install Guide: Desktop Player (MSI Deployment)

Windows Install Guide: Desktop Player (MSI Deployment)


  1. IT / Vibe Admin
    1. Read the Technical Requirements & Recommendations guide.
    2. Contact your Vibe Support team to request the latest Vibe Desktop player.msi installer.
    3. Install .Net Framework 4.8 on all target PCs before installing the Vibe Desktop Player app. [Learn more]
    4. Create the Desktop Channel licences for your Screensaver, Background Wallpaper, Lock Screen or Web Browser.
  2. Internal Comms:
    1. Follow the Desktop Channel content & playlist setup steps (before deploying the Vibe Desktop Player app)

Prepare MSI for deployment

Before deploying in quiet mode, update the SITE_URL, enable the relevant channels and enter the licence auth codes in the MSI.

Sample MSI commands

Main settings only (using defaults for the rest)
The Vibe Desktop player.msi installer includes the following default commands:
msiexec /i VibeDesktopPlayer.msi /quiet /l*v "log.log"  SITE_URL="https://[youruniquevibefyi]" ENABLE_SS="yes" SS_AUTHCODE="12345678" ENABLE_BG="Yes" BG_AUTHCODE="12345678" ENABLE_LS="Yes" LS_AUTHCODE="12345678"

Example with all switches
msiexec /i VibeDesktopPlayer.msi /quiet /l*v "log.log"  SITE_URL="https://[youruniquevibefyi]" DISABLE_APP_CLOSE="No" SS_WAIT_MIN="5" SS_ON_RESUME="Yes" CONSOLE_LOCK_TIMEOUT="Yes" ENABLE_SS="Yes" SS_AUTHCODE="12345678" SS_INFOBAR_SYNC_SEC="30" DISABLE_SS_INFOBAR="No" ENABLE_BG="Yes" BG_AUTHCODE="12345678" BG_IMAGE_INTERVAL_SEC="30" ENABLE_LS="Yes" LS_AUTHCODE="12345678" LS_TIMEOUT_MIN="60" RANDOM_START="Yes" SYNC_INTERVAL_MIN="30" WAIT_PLUG="1800" WAIT_PLUG_LOCK="1800" WAIT_BATT="600" WAIT_BATT_LOCK="600" SS_LOGO=”https://public_website_address/logo_file_name.png”
If no switch is specified (i.e. SS_WAIT_MIN="5"), the default values shown in the list below will be applied.

MSI Switches

Use these MSI switches as needed.
Switch names are case sensitive and must be in all capital letters, while Switch values are not case sensitive. player app

MSI Parameter
Defines the unique Screensaver URL.
Enter the URL provided by your Vibe support team.
Prevents the same slide from always appearing first.
The Wallpaper and Screensaver slides can start at a random position. This setting can be enabled or disabled (Yes/No). 
Yes/No (Default = Yes)
Recommended: Enable this setting to randomise the starting slide position. RANDOM_START="Yes"
Sets the time interval (in minutes) between synchronising slide updates for the screensaver, desktop wallpaper and lock screen.
Enter the number of minutes (Default = 30).
Enables or disables the ability to close the Desktop Player app.
Yes/No (Default = No).
Determines whether the app loads automatically on startup.
Yes/No (Default = Yes).
Controls whether manually changed user settings are overwritten during upgrades.
Yes/No (Default = Yes).

Windows Screen Saver Settings

MSI Parameter
Sets the wait time before the screensaver activates.
Enter time in minutes.
(Default = 5)
Determines if the "On resume, display logon screen" option is enabled.
Yes/No (Default = Yes).
Power Options:*
Controls whether the Screensaver content is displayed when the lock screen is activated.
Yes/No (Default = Yes).
This controls when the screen will go to sleep due to inactivity while the screen is unlocked when plugged into the power.
Example: If WAIT_PLUG = 1800 (30 minutes) and the screensaver (SS_WAIT_MIN) is set to 10 minutes, the screensaver will activate after 10 minutes of inactivity and remain on for 20 minutes before the screen goes to sleep.
Enter time in seconds (Default = 1800).
This controls when the screen will go to sleep after the screen has been locked when plugged into the power.
Example: If WAIT_PLUG_LOCK = 1800 (30 minutes) and the screensaver (SS_WAIT_MIN) is set to 10 minutes, the screensaver will activate 10 minutes after the screen is locked and remain on for 20 minutes before the screen goes to sleep.
Enter time in seconds (Default = 1800).
This controls when the screen will go to sleep after the screen has been locked when on battery.
Enter time in seconds (Default = 600).
Sets the display turn-off time when the screen is locked while on battery.
Enter time in seconds (Default = 600).
*The Console Lock Display Off Timeout in Advanced Power Options determines how long the display stays on after the computer is locked, with a default of 1 minute. To ensure the screensaver activates while the lock screen is active, set the WAIT_ times longer than SS_WAIT_MIN. The difference between these times controls how long the screensaver displays before the screen turns off.


MSI Parameter
Enables or disables the Screensaver.
Yes/No (Default = No).
NB: SS_AUTHCODE is required when ENABLE_SS="Yes".
By default, the logo displays briefly when the Screensaver starts.

To customise the logo, provide a secure public URL to your desired logo which must be in PNG format  (e.g., https://public_website_address/logo.png). [Learn more]
Provide a valid, secure public PNG URL. 
(Default = Vibe logo)
Authenticates and enables the Screensaver syncing.
Enter the unique Screensaver auth code generated in the Licence Manager.
Enables or disables the information bar.
Yes/No (Default = No).
Sets the time interval for information bar updates.
Enter time in seconds (Default = 30).

Background Wallpaper

MSI Parameter
Enables or disables the Background Wallpaper.
Yes/No (Default = No).
NB: BG_AUTHCODE is required when ENABLE_BG="Yes".
Authenticates and enables the Wallpaper syncing.
Enter the unique Desktop Background auth code generated in the Licence Manager.
Sets the time interval for the background image changing.
Enter time in seconds (Default = 30).

Lock Screen

MSI Parameter
Enables or disables the Lock Screen feature.
Yes/No (Default = No).
NB: LS_AUTHCODE is required when ENABLE_LS="Yes".
Authenticates and enables the Lock Screen syncing.
Enter the unique Lock Screen auth code generated in the Licence Manager.
Sets how long the lock screen displays before the PC goes to sleep.
Enter time in minutes (Default = 60).

MSI Deployment

  1. Deploy the MSI in quiet mode (i.e. no user interface nor user interaction) 
  2. Vibe must be installed in "Per Machine" mode, not in "Per User" mode. It is recommended to avoid installing the MSI in "Per User" mode. Learn if current app is installed in Per Machine mode or not.
  3. Ensure that your organisation does not have any Group Policy or Intune configuration that prevents our installer from updating the device screensaver settings.
  4. During deployment, it’s recommended that you set a Group Policy to restrict access to the Screensaver, Lock Screen, and Background settings. This prevents users from altering the settings, ensuring uniformity and adherence to any deployment standards.
  5. Screensaver & Lock Screen Settings
    1. If you're running the Screensaver and Lock Screen channels, you cannot set the Lock Screen to Slideshow mode as this is not supported in Windows. Doing so will disable the Screensaver and prevent it from functioning as intended.
  6. Screensaver -  Device Power Settings Recommendations
    1. Adjust the device's power settings to keep the Screensaver visible for extended periods when the PC is idle.
    2. Set the "Turn off the display" option to 30 or 60 minutes. This balances communication reach with energy efficiency.
  7. Group Policy Deployment (Recommended for IT Admins)
    1. Configure a Group Policy to restrict user access to Screensaver, Lock Screen, and Background settings during deployment. This prevents users from altering these settings, ensuring uniformity and compliance with deployment standards.

Custom Logo

IdeaTo use a custom logo, apply the SS_Logo switch during MSI deployment, or follow the manual steps outlined below after installation.

Logo Design Guidelines

Create your logo as a transparent PNG file and save it as logo.png.
  1. The custom logo should be a square PNG file with a maximum size of 567 x 567 px and a transparent background.
  2. For reference, the default Vibe logo measures 567 x 158 px.

Add Customer Logo for Vibe Screensaver

Option 1: Copy Logo to the Default Folder

Manually copy the logo.png file to the following directory on your computer:

Option 2: Download Logo from a Public URL

Use this option to automatically download a custom logo from a specified public URL (website address).
  1. Set the Public URL of the custom logo using the SS_LOGO switch.
  2. The specified URL will be saved in the following registry location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VibeScreenSaver\CustomLogo
How it works:
  1. The first time the Desktop Player runs, it downloads the logo from the specified URL and saves it locally at: C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\VibeScreensaver\custom\logo_remote.png.
Updating the Custom Logo:
  • To update the logo, simply replace the logo_remote.png file at the public URL.
  • The updated version will be automatically downloaded the next time the Desktop Player checks for it.


  • Ensure the logo file at the public URL is accessible and properly formatted.
  • If any issues arise, verify the registry setting and the local directory path.


App Installation Scope: How to Determine Per-Machine vs. Per-User

  • In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following path:
  • Replace {Your-Product-Code} with the actual product code of your application

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