Quick Setup Checklist: Desktop Channel

Quick Setup Checklist: Desktop Channel

Follow these essential steps to set up a Desktop Channel and display content on the Lock Screen, Background Wallpaper, or Screensaver. This guide covers:

License setup
Playlist creation & content compatibility

Step 1: Create License

  1. Admin Console > Licence Manager
    1. Login and open the Licence Manager
    2. Ensure the license is created specifically for the Screensaver, Lock Screen or Background Wallpaper [Learn more]
    3. Take note of the unique auth code(s) and your site URL. You'll need this information during the installation

Step 2: Content & Playlist Setup

Screensaver & Web Browser Channels (Dynamic)

  1. Create your slides (content) using the dynamic Vibe.fyi templates
  2. Create your playlistsassign one or more locations and add your dynamic slides
  1. Video slides are automatically muted in the Screensaver channel.

Lock Screen & Background Wallpaper Channels (Static)

The Lock Screen & Background Wallpaper channels only support static image slides created using the Image (Single) templateIf a playlist is assigned to a Lock Screen or Background Wallpaper location, only slides using the Image (Single) template, will be visible in the playlist editor.
  1. Create static image slides using the Image (Single) template OR use the snapshot tool to create static versions of your dynamic content.

  2. Create your playlists, assign one or more locations and add your static image slides
  3. If multiple image slides are added to a Lock Screen playlist, the image will refresh every 2 minutes and the display will refresh each time the device is unlocked and relocked.
  1. Lock Screen: When multiple image slides are added to a dedicated Lock Screen playlist, slides will transition every 2 minutes on your lock screen channel
  2. Login Screen: A single image from the connected 'Lock Screen' playlist is displayed when the login screen is active. When your playlist contains multiple static image slides, a different image will appear each time the device is unlocked and locked again.

Step 3: Desktop Player Installation

  1. Review the Technical Requirements & Recommendations
  2. Follow the steps in this guide to install the Desktop Player App on a single PC or deploy via a group policy.
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