Video (Multi)

Video (Multi)

The Video (Multi) template allows you to showcase multiple MP4 videos in both landscape and portrait resolutions. This template is designed to automatically display the correct version of your video based on the screen’s orientation, ensuring a seamless viewing experience. 

Create slide

Read First:
- Save videos in MP4 format with H.264 codec and a constant framerate.
-  Max. upload size is less than 1GB.
- Remove any unsupported characters from your video filename and use only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores, e.g. vibevideo1.mp4 not vibe&video(1).mp4.
  1. Create a slide using the Video (Multi) template
  2. Upload Video - Click the [Add Content] then you can drag and drop the video directly into the field or select an MP4 video from your local drive.

  3. Video Resolution - Select HD for clear visuals or UHD for an enhanced, ultra-high-definition experience.
  4. Resize Options 
    1. Fill & cover - Use this option if your video is smaller than your screen resolution and you want to fill and cover the screen
    2. Fit & contain - Let the browser display video at the best aspect ratio (i.e. fit within the screen).
  5. Mute Sound -By default, your video audio is muted. Use the audio setting to mute/unmute.
  6. Click [Save]
  7. When you are ready to go live, add your video slide to one or more playlists.

Playing videos on repeat can be an ineffective way of communicating. We recommend using the advanced schedule or screen takeover to create a playback schedule.


  1. Duration  To decrease or increase the duration, set the time in seconds. To automatically share the entire video, enter 0 (zero) or AUTO in the Duration field.
  2. Snapshot - To update the snapshot / thumbnail, use the 'Create Snapshot' option in the slide editor.

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