Profile (Classic)

Profile (Classic)

The recognition slide can be used to profiling team members (i.e. Exec team, team members by department), showcase new employees and employee of the month etc.

Create Profile (Classic)

Manage via web portal

  1. Create a new slide using the Profiles (Classsic) template
  2. In the slide editor > Attributes tab, select the Web Portal content source option

  3. To add your profiles, click the Plus button and use the optional Image, Title, Subtitle and Summary fields to add your content
  4. Click [Save]
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more profiles.

    1. Image:  Upload images with the extension JPG/GIF/PNG/GIF (less than 30 MB)
    2. Title: Word count approx. <10 words per message
    3. Subtitle: Word count approx. <10 words per message
    4. Summary: Word count approx. <30 words per message

Manage via file upload (XSLX)

  1. Create a new slide using the Profiles (Classic) template
  2. In the slide editor > Attributes tab, select the File Upload (XSLX) content source option
  3. Download the data template
  4. Use the data template (XLSX file) to add an optional title, subtitle, summary and/or image.
    Use separate rows to add multiple profiles.

  5. Save your XLSX file locally and upload the saved file into the slide editor
  6. When you are ready to go live, add your Profile slide to 1 or more playlists
Data Formatting Notes:
Supported Formatting
Free format
SubTitleFree format
Free format

Design Tips

We have an option to Align the text for all profiles

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