Training (Panels)

Training (Panels)

Slide Inspo

Training Panels

  • Static images are used to give focus to the text. Use square images, other sizes will be centered. (Exact size = 1080x960)
  • Logo area Standard Vibe space of 350 x 100 pixels
  • Border, Highlight and Link colours are all controlled from one simple field
  • Design allows for an unlimited amount of content, and will show one item in chronological order 

Data Template Tips

Download a copy of the example template locally, create a version, complete the content and reupload. You'll see content immediately within the Preview.

  • Add content details to the Content tab
  • Add content in the Resource tab, if you want to add a resource or promotion

Content Tab

Heading Heading of the content. Ideal 5-10 words.
Financial training module
Summary1 Text Summary. Ideal 10-15 words.
How can we manage our spending habits to help put us in a better financial position?
Summary2 Second Text Summary. Ideal 10-20 words each. If you want to show multiple messages within this field, separate them with;
- a new line [ALT + Enter]
- pipe and space [| ]
Multiple messages will scroll one after the other. 
| Start by making sure you understand the true cost of your purchases.
| Then prioritise your debt.

Write any keywords that you want highlighted from within the Heading, Summaries, or Tip. The words must match exactly and be separated by a line break (indicated in grey as an example in Summary2 above)

- a new line [ALT + Enter]



The Tip content will appear last in the animation sequence of content. But before any Resource.

Think about how you decide to make big purchases. Are there any alternatives?

The way you reference an image in this column will depend on the content source you have chosen:
  • File Upload: Enter "image:a_public_image_url" in the cell.
    e.g. image:

  • Google Sheets: Enter "=IMAGE(""a_public_image_url"")"
    e.g. =IMAGE("""")

  • SharePoint: Enter "image:filename"
    e.g. image:logo.png

    IMPORTANT: The image file must be stored in the same SharePoint folder as your spreadsheet.

If required, please enter the exact label specified in the ResourceID tab.
e.g. 1

Resource Tab

Add content in this tab, if you want to add a resource or promotion. If there's no content referenced, the slide will simply skip itself and move to next slide. Add a Logo, QR Code, Promotion or Call-to-action.

ResourceID Start a referencing convention. These are used to match into the Content Tab.
e.g. 1
Heading Short text heading of the resource you are referencing. Ideal 10-25 words.
Image The way you reference an image in this column will depend on the content source you have chosen:
  • File Upload: Enter "image:a_public_image_url" in the cell.
    e.g. image:

  • Google Sheets: Enter "=IMAGE(""a_public_image_url"")"
    e.g. =IMAGE("""")

  • SharePoint: Enter "image:filename"
    e.g. image:logo.png

    IMPORTANT: The image file must be stored in the same SharePoint folder as your spreadsheet.

Image Caption Short text caption of the promotion you are running. Ideal 10-15 words. Phone number and URL in resource will be highlighted with an underline in the design.
  1. Phone number must have format: [some digit] [some digit] [some digit] etc...
  2. The template will auto detect URL


  • It is essential to strictly keep the formatting of the default or example spreadsheets. You may find your slide produces issues if you "copy and paste" which results in a change of format for any cells within the spreadsheet.
  • Add more modules of training, by copying the Training slide you have already setup and replace the spreadsheet.
  • Use the Advanced Schedule attributes to schedule training throughout the day - to be delivered at the right intervals that will achieve the kind of spaced repetition required for key messages to be retained over time.

Asset Downloads

Take advantage of downloading our default assets as a guide to create your own, if you wish to change them.


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