Slide Design Standards

Slide Design Standards

The aim of the Design Standards for

Your role as a designer is so important and we want to provide you with all the information you need to ensure that the visual content on your Vibe channel is:
  • On brand
  • Fresh
  • Snackable
  • Engaging
  • Animated
Content should be easy to manage by anyone in your team
  1. Help Content Producers to stay "On Brand" by incorporating the Default Theme elements
  2. Flexible slide templates incorporating your theme graphics, when needed, will help ensure that content is engaging.
  3. Providing your content publishers with text heavy, static graphics will not get cut-through and engagement from your viewers. 
  4. Aim to create custom slide templates to allow your content publishers to create content that is easy to populate with content and in fully automated.
  5. Relying on external graphics software to create animated gifs or videos that cannot be edited or updated by your content publishers - is against our core beliefs at Vibe.
  6. Your brand guidelines will establish a 'Vibe' theme which includes fonts, your logo, a pool of background images, primary/second heading/background colours and a watermark. By default, the theme fields shown below, are developed into to all templates and are mandatory requirement for any custom templates too. This approach lets content publishers quickly publish content in an instant, but also allows them to customise these settings in an individual level. Refer to the following pages for more details.

Animation Plan

We require a simple written animation plan, to outline how your animation/transitions VISION. IE: How long elements stay on screen and how they animate/transition.

  1. At the beginning, the slide will show the background image, slide title and logo without any animation
  2. Split the heading into multiple lines and animate them in -100px from the left
  3. Animate in the whole summary similarly from the left
  4. Prepare random position for all icons over the half screen side and pop them out from small scale to full scale with some bouncing. Please try a logic to evenly scatter the icons so that most of them don't appear nearly at the same area.
  5. Very slowly zoom in (scale up) the background image until the end of the slide.
  6. Heading text to grow/shrink with length of content. Ellipsis will show after maximum size/length is reached.
  7. Summary text to grow/shrink with length of content. Summary text will scroll slowly in an upward direction to accommodate long text after maximum size/length is reached.


  1. Adobe XD File - select Development, with Downloadable Assets included.

  2. 100% at 72dpi
  3. Setup Art-boards for both screens
    1. Landscape (1920 x 1080 pixels) and
    2. Portrait (1080 x 1920 pixels)
  4. Measurements/Rulers in Pixels

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