Noticeboard (Blocks)

Noticeboard (Blocks)

Organize Your Announcements with Clarity! This template offers a sleek and modular approach to displaying information. With its distinctive block layout, you can easily highlight multiple announcements or updates in one cohesive view. Ideal for keeping your audience informed and engaged with clear, organised content.

Video: Template Tour

Content Source

Once you have created your slide using the Noticeboard (Blocks) template, choose a content source to start adding your content:

Web Portal

  1. Choose Web Portal in the Content Source dropdown

  2. Add your noticeboard,
    1. Click [Add Content] to upload images via the content editor and click [Save]
    2. Drag-and-drop one or more poster items via the Upload field

    3. Repeat steps a and/or b to add more noticeboard content
  3. When you are ready to go live, add your Noticeboard slide to one or more playlists.

File Upload (XLSX)

  1. Choose File Upload (XLSX) in the Content Source dropdown

  2. Download the Noticeboard (Blocks) data template
  3. Use the data template (XLSX file) to add an optional title, summary and/or image.
    Learn more about the supported formats for this data template.
  4. Save your XLSX file locally, then upload it into the slide editor

  5. When you are ready to go live, add your Noticeboard (Blocks) slide to playlists

Google Sheets

Follow the prerequisite steps to set up your integration and get started with Google Sheets seamlessly.
  1. Vibe Portal - Download the VIBE-DATA-TEMPLATE_NoticeboardBlocks.xlsx 

  2. Google Drive - Upload the VIBE-DATA-TEMPLATE_NoticeboardBlocks.xlsx to your connected Google Drive folder and add your data
  3. Vibe Portal - Choose Google Sheets in the Content Source dropdown and select your saved Google Spreadsheet
Recommended Reading: Prep your Google Sheets

SharePoint (XLSX)

Follow the prerequisite steps to set up your integration and get started with using SharePoint Folders to store your Excel files.
  1. Vibe Portal - Download the VIBE-DATA-TEMPLATE_NoticeboardBlocks.xlsx 

  2. SharePoint - Upload the VIBE-DATA-TEMPLATE_NoticeboardBlocks.xlsx to your connected SharePoint folder and add your data
  3. Vibe Portal - In the slide editor, choose SharePoint (XLSX) in the Content Source dropdown and select your saved Excel file.

XLSX Data Template

If you have selected 'File Upload (XLSX)', 'Google Sheets' or 'SharePoint (XLSX)' as your content source, use this section as a guide for formatting the data in your spreadsheet.

Supported Data Formats

Data ColumnSupported Formatting
TitleFree format. Bold and underline formatting is supported.
SummaryFree format. Bold, underline and bullet or number list formatting is supported.
ImageValid web URL (e.g. image:
TimeHH:MM (24hr) or HH:MM AM and HH:MM PM
Recommended Reading:
Vibe Data Templates (for tips on how to download and connect your data to a slide)
Common Data Entry Formats (for more information on managing your data)


  1. Shape - Change the background color of the shapes/ blocks by using the color picker feature to elevate the visual appeal of your slides. By effectively utilizing color and opacity, you can enhance the overall design and impact of your presentation

  2. Date - You can also change the date's block color by using the color picker features - pick the color from the hue and/or slide through the opacity

Asset Download

Take advantage of downloading our default assets as a guide to create your own, if you wish to change them.

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