Install Guide - Windows

Install Guide - Windows


  1. Review the Install Checklist (read the hardware and network requirements before proceeding).
  2. MSI/InTune: Contact your Vibe Support team to request the latest Vibe Desktop player.msi installer.
  3. If you're upgrading the player app and currently running v3.0 or below on your Windows device, uninstall the current version. If you're running v4.0+, uninstalling is not required.

Digital Signage Install (Single PC)

  • Get the Digital Signage app for Windows installer from and save the MSI file to a location on your local drive
  • Double-click the MSI file to run it. You can either change the app settings via the installer interface or adjust them after installation
  • Click Install
  • When the player app (v4.0+) is successfully installed on your Windows device, run the app (press the Windows key and search for the Vibe Digital Signage app in the Start menu)
    Note: the app will auto-launch on Windows start-up, so the next time you start your PC, the app will run automatically.
  • Enter the app settings for this device and save
  • Open Logs and click [Launch Chrome]

Digital Signage Install (InTune)


IT / Vibe Admin
  1. Contact your Vibe Support team to request the latest Vibe Desktop player.msi installer.
  2. Before deploying in quiet mode, update the SITE_URL and enter the licence auth code in the MSI. The MSI should only be installed in quiet mode (i.e. no user interface nor user interaction).
  3. Ensure the following guidelines are followed: MSI Switch names (i.e. SS_WAIT_MIN) : Case sensitive and must be in UPPERCASE. Switch values (i.e. Yes / No) : Not case sensitive. 

Sample MSI Command

Install the MSI in quiet mode

If you remove an argument from the command, its default value will be used. For example, the command can be as short as this:
msiexec /i VibeDigitalSignage.4.0.0.msi /quiet SITEURL="" AUTHCODE="12345678"

MSI Switches

Switch names are case sensitive and must be in all capital letters, while Switch values are not case sensitive.
MSI Parameter
SITEURL (required)
Defines the unique Screensaver URL.
Enter the unique domain URL provided by your Vibe support team.
Authenticates and enables Digital Signage syncing.
Enter either the unique Digital Signage authentication code from the Licence Manager or <DEVICENAME> to use the device name found in Settings > System > About.
Defines the local folder path for storing downloaded slides.
Enter the folder path where slides should be saved. If left empty, slides will be stored in the default location:
Sets the minimum time interval between slide syncs.
Specify the sync interval in minutes. It should match or slightly exceed the total playlist runtime. Default: 5 minutes.

Example: If your total playlist is 7 minutes, 10 seconds, set the sync interval to 8 minutes.
Defines the interval for syncing the information bar.
Specify the time in seconds between information bar syncs. Default: 30 seconds.
Enables or disables the information bar display.
Accepted values: "Yes" (disable info bar) or "No" (show info bar when an alert is published). Default: "No".

Determines whether Chrome launches automatically upon app start.
Accepted values: "Yes" (launch Chrome) or "No" (do not launch Chrome).
Default: "Yes".
Controls whether the app starts automatically when the device boots.
Accepted values: "Yes" (auto-launch on Windows startup) or "No" (manual launch).
Default: "Yes".
Specifies whether app settings should be locked after an upgrade. Enable this switch if you want to restrict individual users from changing the app settings.
Accepted values: "Yes" (overwrite user settings after an upgrade) or "No" (retain manual user settings). Default: "Yes".

Deploy Via InTune

  1. Login to and open Apps
  2. Under 'By platform', click Windows
  3. Click + Add

  4. Under App type, select Other / Line-of-business app

  5. In the Add App screen, click select app package file, select the MSI file provided (e.g. VibeDigitalSignage.4.0.0.msi), then click OK.
  6. Under App Information
    1. Name - Vibe Digital Signage
    2. Description - Vibe Digital signage setup wizard application push
    3. Publisher - Limited
      For more details about the arguments, please check Group Policy Deployment section above.
    5. All other settings can stay default
    6. Click Next

  7. Under Assignments (Required), add a group or select all devices (this will depend on your organisations Intune setup), then click Next

  8. Review App creation and click Create. This should now push out on the next Intune Policy sync.
  9. The app will auto-launch on Windows start-up, so the next time you start your PC, the app will run automatically. player app settings

  1. Site URL (required) - Enter your unique Vibe site URL
  2. Auth Code (required) - Enter the unique auth code generated for the Windows device
  3. Slides Folder (required) - Select a folder (on your local drive) to store your slides
  4. Minutes Between Syncs - Leave as the default value (5 minutes) or adjust as needed
  5. Seconds Between Information Bar Syncs: Leave as the default value (30 seconds) or adjust as needed
  6. Disable Information Bar: By default, the information bar is displayed. Untick the checkbox to hide the information bar.
  7. Load Chrome on Launch: By default, Chrome will automatically opened when the app is opened. Untick the checkbox to prevent Chrome launching automatically


MSI Deployment

  1. Check Your Command Lines! Ensure the following guidelines are followed:
    1. MSI Switch names (i.e. SS_WAIT_MIN) : Case sensitive and must be in UPPERCASE.
    2. Switch values (i.e. Yes / No) : Not case sensitive. 

Post Installation

Slides not displaying in full screen

  1. Open Chrome from your Start menu or taskbar (not from the Launch Chrome button in the player)
  2. In the app settings, click [Launch Chrome]. The slides should appear in the Chrome browser you opened in step 1.
  3. To enable full-screen mode, do either of the following:
    1. Press F11 to go full screen
    2. Press F12 to open Developer Tools, open the Device Toolbar and enter these settings - Landscape 1920 x 1080px and Portrait 1080 x 1920px

App Not Syncing

  1. Close and reopen the app
  2. Verify that the Site URL and Auth Code are correct
  3. Delete any extra spaces at the end of the fields
  4. If the app is still not syncing, contact your Vibe Support team and confirm if your IP address is being blocked
  5. If the issues persist, take a screenshot of the folder contents and your app settings, and send them to your Vibe Support team for further investigation

Post Installation Recommendations

  1. We recommend installing remote management software on your Windows devices and providing access to your Vibe Support team for streamlined assistance.
  2. After successfully installing the player app, apply the recommended scheduled tasks to prevent memory bloat from Windows, Chrome, and other background tasks on your computer.
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