Message (Bubbles)

Message (Bubbles)

Messages (Bubbles) is perfect for showcasing important announcements, celebrating achievements, sharing motivational quotes, and more.

Manage Content

Web Portal

  1. Create a slide using the Message (Bubbles) template
  2. In the slide editor, select Web Portal in the Content Source dropdown

  3. Add content to your slide:
    1. Click [Add Content] to load content in the content editor and click [Save]
    2. Drag-and-drop one or more images via the Upload field

    3.  Repeat step A or B to preload content
  4. When you are ready to go live, add your slide to one or more playlists.
  1. All changes in the slide editor are auto-saved.
  2. Use the advanced schedule in the content editor or Attributes tab to apply start/end publish dates to your content or slide.

File upload (XSLX)

  1. Create a new slide using the Message (Bubbles) template
  2. Select File Upload (XSLX) in the Content Source dropdown and download Vibe-Data-Template-A.xslx
  3. Use the data template (XLSX file) to add one or more messages

  4. Save your XLSX file locally and upload the saved file into the slide editor
  5. When you are ready to go live, add your slide to 1 or more playlists
Data ColumnSupported Formatting
Free format. Bold and underline formatting is supported.
Free format. Bold, underline and bullet or number list formatting is supported.
Valid web URL (e.g. image:
Start Time
HH:MM (24hr) or HH:MM AM and HH:MM PM
End Time
HH:MM (24hr) or HH:MM AM and HH:MM PM
For more information on supported data formatting, refer to the Data Templates article.

Design Tips

  1. Add a splash of colour to your slide! Each bubble shape adopts your theme colours by default or personalise your bubble shape in the Design > Elements tab.

  2. Themes - Stay on brand every time. Use the global theme manager to apply your company branding elements, including your logo and colours. Or, create custom themes that can be applied at the slide level.

For more tips on customisation, read our article on Slide Formatting & Design.

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